This past week has been a lot of fun with Caden. He has been changing so much. He laughs longer and harder when he's tickled or when he thinks we're "funny." It just makes my heart melt. He also started rolling over from tummy to back! He's such a big boy. We can tell that he is even more attached to us and more aware of us and his surroundings. It's fun to watch him grow.
We went to get his picture made for the first time. He was a superstar model. We have the cutest pose where he is flirting with the camera. I'll try to scan it in so I can post it.
We've also gone to the doctor a couple of times this past week. All reports have been good. Today he was weighed and he is now a whoppin' 11 pounds 3 ounces!! He gained a pound in 5 days. This makes me so happy because our big goal right now is to catch him up to his ideal weight.
One last thing, this is an exciting time for my family because Star (my sister), Stephen, Madison, Jackson, and Hope are moving back to Houston on Valentine's Day!!!! Stephen is going to be the music minister at First Baptist Houston! Everything has fallen into place perfectly. It is definetly a blessing from God! I can't wait for Caden to get to play with his cousins more often!
I've included a picture of Grandmama (Caden's Greatmama) holding Caden for the very first time. Unfortunatley she is unable to leave her house so she has not been able to see him while he was in the hospital. It was so much fun bringing him over for the first time. There's also a picture of his Aunt Star and cousin Madison.
I can't wait to get there to hold that big boy and see him roll over!!!
melody, this is star's friend, jen :) sooo excited to see baby caden getting bigger and doing so well! he is gorgeous! maybe we can all get together again after star & stephen move back - can't wait!! :) hugs!
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